Gentilly 2 moves towards refurbishment

Friday, 27 April 2007
Hydro-Quebec has received permission to construct and operate new radioactive waste storage facilities at the Gentilly plant. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission made the decision to amend Hydro-Quebec's licence on 25 April.
Hydro-Quebec has received  permission to construct and operate new radioactive waste storage facilities at the Gentilly plant. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission made the decision to amend Hydro-Quebec's licence on 25 April following a public hearing on 7 March.

Marcelle Trepanier of Hydro-Quebec told World Nuclear News that licence amendment and construction of new storage space are steps towards a decision to refurbish the Gentilly 2 reactor that could be made in 2008. Hydro-Quebec is currently performing scoping and costing activities forthe potential refurbishment which could take place around 2010-2.

Gentilly 2 is a 675 MWe Candu pressurized heavy-water reactor (PHWR) built by AECL between 1974 and 1982. Candu reactors require refurbishment and replacement of core components after about 25-30 years of operation. The process normally extends the unit's life by about the same amount.

Another reactor at the site, Gentilly 1 was a 250MWe prototype boiling water reactor also built by AECL. Gentilly 1 was shut down in 1977.

Further information


Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 

WNN: Gentilly 2 licence renewal

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