Fukushima waste incinerator takes shape

Monday, 1 July 2013
Fukushima solid waste plant 48Construction of an incinerator is underway at the Fukushima Daiichi plant to burn the low-level waste being generated from the clean-up and decommissioning of the site.

Construction of an incinerator is underway at the Fukushima Daiichi plant to burn the low-level waste (LLW) being generated from the clean-up and decommissioning of the site.

Fukushima solid waste plant (Tepco) 460
An artist's impression of how the completed facility will appear (Image: Tepco)

The 3170-square-metre facility is expected to begin operating between September 2014 and March 2015. It will be used to reduce the volume of LLW - including such things as clothing, gloves and building materials - by burning it. The resulting radioactive ash will be stored in drums for later disposal.

The facility, known as the miscellaneous solid waste volume reduction treatment facility, is being constructed by Kobelco, part of Kobe Steel Group, under contract from Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco). Construction of the plant started in May and the reinforcing steel rebar has now been put in place in the building's foundation. On 29 June, the first concrete was poured for its two-metre thick foundation.

The incinerator will be able to operate around the clock, burning some 14 tonnes of LLW per day. Three existing LLW incinerators on the site - with a combined capacity of handling over eight tonnes of waste per day - are not in operation as they are now being used to store and process radioactive water instead.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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