Fuel loading at Kudankulam 2

Friday, 13 May 2016
Kudankulam_1_and_2_(Rosatom)-48Fuel loading has begun at India's Kudankulam unit 2, Russian state nuclear company Rosatom has announced.

Fuel loading has begun at India's Kudankulam unit 2, Russian state nuclear company Rosatom has announced.  

Kudankulam 1 and 2 (Image: Rosatom)  

The first of 163 fuel assemblies was loaded into the core of the VVER-1000 reactor on 11 May. Fuel loading should be completed by the end of the month and the reactor could reach first criticality in June, Rosatom said.

Kudankulam unit 2 is the second Atomstroyexport-supplied unit being built by Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, with Russian assistance, at the site in Tamil Nadu. Construction of unit 2 was declared complete in July 2015, since when the plant has been undergoing 'hot testing' of the reactor pressure vessel as well as the primary and secondary coolant circuits.

Kudankulam 1 started commercial operation in December 2014. Excavation work began earlier this year in preparation for Kudankulam units 3 and 4.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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