Fuel cycle roundup #20

Thursday, 20 February 2014
• Forsys updates Norasa figures
• Carley Bore resource upgrade
• "Outstanding" leach tests for Cauldron
• BLM gives the nod to Gas Hills
• Fuel upgrade for Tianwan

Forsys updates Norasa figures

Forsys Metals has released updated mineral reserve estimates for its Norasa project in Namibia, showing a 30% increase in proven and probable reserves to 79.0 million pounds U3O8 (nearly 30,400 tU). The ore grade has increased by 30% to 202 ppm, and an additional 1.5 million pounds (580 tU) of inferred material is included within the pit designs.

Norasa includes the Valencia Main and Namibplaas deposits plus satellite pits. The reserve statement is based on NI43-101 compliant resources published in October 2013 plus the results of ongoing technical studies.

Carley Bore resource upgrade

Energia Resources has released updated figures for the Carley Bore deposit in Western Australia, raising the total JORC-compliant mineral resource estimate to 15.6 million pounds U3O8 (6000 tU). Further drilling at the deposit has enabled the company to announce a maiden indicated resource estimate of 5 million pounds U3O8 (1923 tU), previously included in inferred resources.

Energia is currently the target of a takeover bid by Cauldron Energy, for which the closing date was recently extended to 1 May.

"Outstanding" leach tests for Cauldron

Uranium recovery rates of up to 98.6% have been achieved in tests on ore from Cauldron Energy's Bennet Well in Western Australia. The company described the figures of at least 96% extraction using acid and around 94% using carbonate/bicarbonate leaching techniques as "outstanding" and suggesting that the uranium will be extractable using in-situ leach (ISL) methods.

BLM gives the nod to Gas Hills

The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has issued a Record of Decision authorising Power Resources Inc, doing business as Cameco Resources, to develop uranium deposits using ISL methods in the Gas Hills district of Wyoming. The BLM approval of Cameco's operations plan covers planned facilities including injection, production and monitoring wells, field header houses, pipelines, power lines, access roads, disposal ponds and satellite facilities.

Cameco's Gas Hills project, not to be confused with Energy Fuel's Wyoming project of the same name, is one of three expansion sites planned to provide material to Cameco's existing central processing plant at Smith Ranch-Highland.

Fuel upgrade for Tianwan

China's Tianwan unit 1 is now operating on an extended 18-month fuel cycle after being loaded with modified TVS-2M fuel, Russian fuel supplier TVEL has announced. The fuel is currently used in Russia's Balakovo and Rostov power plants, and it received regulatory approval for use in Chinese plants following the successful completion of a pilot study using six TVS-2M assemblies at Tianwan 1. Tianwan 2 is also due to be converted to use the fuel. TVS-2M fuel for use at Tianwan units 3 and 4, still under construction, will be manufactured at China's Yibin fuel plant using technology transferred from TVEL.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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