Forsmark 2 shut until safety report complete

Thursday, 15 February 2007
The Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate has said that unit 2 of the Forsmark nuclear power plant will not be permitted to restart until a thorough report on its safety controls is presented. SKI also ordered an inspection of unit 3.

The Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) told officials at Forsmark Kraftgrupp that unit 2 of the Forsmark nuclear power plant will not be permitted to restart until a thorough report on the safety controls at the plant is presented. SKI also ordered an inspection of unit 3.


The decision to keep Forsmark 2 offline remains in force until the plant's operator has evaluated information from tests taken from the reactor. Forsmark 1 was shut down earlier this month after a sample taken from one of three rubber seals in the reactor's outer housing was found to have lost some of its required elasticity. SKI sent a special inspection group to Forsmark to investigate the incident, and assess the way the plant's management had handled events.


The inspectors' report is now complete, and shows that the incident did not increase the risk of an accident, but says that it could have affected the rubber seal's ability to handle an accident.


The incident shows failures in Forsmark's control and testing routines, SKI said. It therefore demanded that the company investigate documentation of tests and maintenance procedures at the reactors.

SKI decided that Forsmark 2 may not restart until this investigation is complete. A similar investigation of Forsmark 3 must be carried out and a report delivered to SKI no later than 28 February.


The move to keep Forsmark 2 offline pending this further documentation was triggered by plant management's disclosure that the rubber seal samples were taken last year but the results were not reported until last month, suggesting poor reporting and follow-up routines, SKI said.


Further information



Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI)


WNA's Nuclear Power in Sweden information paper

WNN: Forsmark under scrutiny
 Forsmark 1 and 2 precautions 

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