Fiscal 2016 mission accomplished for NRC

Monday, 21 November 2016
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) met its strategic goals and objectives for safety and security in fiscal 2016 and is in a sound financial position, according to the regulator's newly published annual performance and accountability report.

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) met its strategic goals and objectives for safety and security in fiscal 2016 and is in a sound financial position, according to the regulator's newly published annual performance and accountability report.

The 176-page NRC Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2016 provides detailed information on the regulator's performance results and audited financial statements for the year ended 30 September. A message from NRC chairman Stephen Burns, incorporated in the report, said the regulator "achieved its mission" and met all of its strategic goals, objectives, and performance indicator targets.

Examples of key NRC regulatory accomplishments during the reporting period highlighted by Burns include: the resolution of multiple Fukushima lessons-learned activities; completion of licensing actions, including issuing the construction permit for a first-of-a-kind medical isotope production facility; overseeing the startup of Watts Bar unit 2, the first nuclear power plant to begin commercial operations in the USA in 20 years; and the completion of several activities under the agency's Project Aim initiative to improve NRC effectiveness and efficiency and better position the agency to respond to future challenges.

The report also found that the agency, which had a budget for fiscal 2016 of $1,002.1 million, to be in a "sound financial position" with sufficient funds to meet programmatic needs and "adequate control" of these funds in place. Around 90% of the NRC's budget - $869.2 million - was collected from licensees, with the remainder provided by the US Treasury.

Chief financial officer Maureen Wylie said the NRC had identified around $50 million of "reductions" over 18 months through the ongoing implementation of Project Aim. More long-term efficiencies would be implemented in fiscal 2018 and beyond, she said.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

WNN is a public information service of World Nuclear Association.
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