First concrete for fourth Rostov reactor

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Volgodonsk 4 - June 2010 (Rosenergoatom)The first concrete has been poured for the foundation plate of the fourth unit at the Rostov nuclear power plant in Russia.

The first concrete has been poured for the foundation plate of the fourth unit at the Rostov nuclear power plant in Russia. 


In a statement released today, Rosenergoatom said that some 300 cubic metres of concrete had so far been poured for the foundation plate of unit 4.


In June 2009, Nizhniy Novgorod AtomEnergoProekt (NN-AEP), a subsidiary of AtomEnergoProm (AEP), won the tender as principal contractor for the construction of the third and fourth reactors at the Rostov plant.


Volgodonsk 4 - June 2010 (Rosenergoatom) 
Construction of unit 4 at the Rostov plant is now underway (Image: Rosenergoatom) 

According to Valery Limarenko, director of NN-AEP, the start of concreting of the fourth unit is an indication that the Russian nuclear industry is reviving serial construction of nuclear power plants. The start of construction of Rostov unit 4 brings the total number of new reactors currently under construction in Russia to ten. 


Rostov is named after its region but for many years was also known by the name Volgodonsk. After much confusion, Rosenergoatom finally issued an official order in early May that the plant is only to be known only as Rostov.


Four 1000 MWe VVER pressurized water reactors were planned there in the early 1980s and some construction took place before work was stopped. Construction of unit 1, a V-320 type VVER, began in 1978 and this finally began operating in March 2001. Construction started on unit 2 in 1983, but was halted in the late 1990s, resuming in 2002. However, progress was slow until the project was kick-started again in 2007 as part of a major Russian initiative to maximise domestic nuclear power production in order to maximise the value of gas reserves.


Rostov 3 and 4 were both ordered in 1983. The units will be larger VVER-1200 types, similar to units 1 and 2. NN-AEP announced that unit 2 produced its first billion kilowatt-hours of electricity on 18 June. It is set to begin full commercial operation in October 2010. Construction of unit 3 began again in late 2009. Units 3 and 4 are set to be completed by 2014 and 2016, respectively.


Rostechnadzor, the Russian nuclear regulator, completed its first scheduled inspection of the construction site of Volgodonsk units 3 and 4 in May. The inspection focused on earthworks, construction of foundations and the quality of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures. Rostechnadzor will make two further inspections at the site this year, in September and December.


Researched and written 

by World Nuclear News 


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