Fangjiashan 1 achieves first criticality

Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Fangjiashan 1 first criticality 48Unit 1 of the Fangjiashan plant in China's Zhejiang province has moved closer to commissioning by achieving a sustained chain reaction.

Unit 1 of the Fangjiashan plant in China's Zhejiang province has moved closer to commissioning by achieving a sustained chain reaction.

Fangjiashan 1 first criticality 460  (CNNC)
Workers in the control room of Fangjiashan 1 bring the unit to first criticality
(Image: CNNC)

The 1080 MWe CPR-1000 reactor achieved first criticality at 2.52pm on 21 October, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced. Approval for attaining first criticality had been received from the National Nuclear Security Administration the previous afternoon.

The Fangjiashan project comprises two CPR-1000 reactors under construction near the existing Qinshan plant. First concrete for the unit 1 at the Fangjiashan plant was poured in December 2008. The first fuel assembly was loaded into Unit 1's core on 1 September.

Fangjiashan 1 is scheduled to enter commercial operation by the end of this year, with unit 2 expected to startup about ten months later.

The CPR-1000 is the standardized design which is derived from the Areva-supplied PWRs at Lingao and Daya Bay in Guangdong province. Seven CPR-1000 reactors are currently operating in China, with a further 17 under construction.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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