Experts study Chernobyl roof collapse

Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Chernbyl roof collapse, June 2013 visit (IAEA) 64x48An international team has visited the Chernobyl site to review the causes and effects of a roof collapse that took place in February.

An international team has visited the Chernobyl site to review the causes and effects of a roof collapse that took place in February.

Chernbyl roof collapse, June 2013 visit (IAEA) 460x345
The extent of the collapse is clear from inside the turbine hall (Image: IAEA)

Having been seriously damaged by the 1986 accident and subsequently repaired, the roof of the turbine hall roof adjacent to the reactor building partially collapsed in February. This unexpected event released no radiation and had no effect on the shelter that protects the highly radioactive remains of Chernobyl 4's reactor. It was believed to have been caused by weight of snow, but Chernobyl NPP managers requested support from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as part of their response.

An expert team was sent to the plant in June, entering the turbine hall where the roof section fell. A full report on the causes of the collapse will be presented to the director general of Chernobyl NPP this month.

Preliminary remarks from the team praised the response of Chernobyl NPP staff for their immediate response, noting that the incident was dealt with in a way that avoided impact on the ongoing New Safe Confinement shelter project.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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