European nuclear safety training institute

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Four national technical safety organizations have announced the creation of a European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute (ENSTTI) to help strengthen European research and assessment know-how in the fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection.

Four national technical safety organizations have announced the creation of a European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute (ENSTTI) to help strengthen European research and assessment know-how in the fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection.


The new institute is a joint initiative of France's Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, IRSN); Germany's Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS); the Nuclear Research Institute Rez (UJV) of the Czech Republic; and the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI).


ENSTTI will offer short applied training sessions of around six weeks, as well as longer courses of several months, for university graduates and those with some professional experience in the nuclear sector. It will provide training in techniques, practices and methods to develop the skills and know-how required for assessing and analysing nuclear and radiological risks in Europe and throughout the world. All the course programs will include working groups, simulator sessions, technical visits and open discussions.


In creating ENSTTI, the founding technical safety organizations - in association with the relevant EU and international bodies and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in particular - aim to meet assessment and research requirements in the nuclear safety sector relating to civil nuclear development programs in Europe and around the world.


ENSTTI's scientific council has been assigned the task of guiding and standardizing teaching and tutoring content and practices to reflect the state of the art in European assessment know-how.


The first training session has already been scheduled and is divided into two parts. The first will take place at GRS in Munich from 12-30 July and the second part will be organized at IRSN in Fontenay-aux-Roses from 30 August to 17 September. Registration for the first session will open on 15 March and will close at the end of April.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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