Energoatom to join WANO's Paris Centre from 2022

Monday, 28 October 2019
Energoatom has signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation with the World  Association of Nuclear Operators' Paris Centre for all its future peer reviews, starting in 2022. The Ukrainian nuclear power plant operator is currently a member of WANO’s Moscow Centre.
Energoatom to join WANO's Paris Centre from 2022
Energoatom is to join WANO's Paris Centre from 2022 (Image: Energoatom)

The document was signed by Energoatom President and CEO Yury Nedashkovsky, Chairman of WANO's Paris Centre Erwin Fisher and Chairman of WANO's Moscow Centre Yaroslav Golubets. It was signed on 20 October during WANO's 15th Biennial General Meeting, held in London.

In Februrary 2017, WANO conducted its first ever cross-centre review - by its Paris and Moscow Centres - at Ukraine's Rovno nuclear power plant. Rovno was also the first Soviet-era plant to host an Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) mission from the International Atomic Energy Agency. At the request of the government of Ukraine at the time, an IAEA OSART team visited Rovno 3 and 4 in 2006.

WANO has two other regional centres, in Atlanta and Tokyo, in addition to its main office in London.

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