DoE awards over $10m for GNEP siting studies

Wednesday, 31 January 2007
The US Department of Energy has awarded more than $10 million to 11 commercial and public consortia selected to conduct detailed siting studies for integrated used fuel recycling facilities. The consortia have until 30 May to submit their reports.

The US Department of Energy (DoE) has awarded more than $10 million to 11 commercial and public consortia selected to conduct detailed siting studies for integrated used fuel recycling facilities. The consortia have until 30 May to submit their reports.

President Bush's Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) initiative proposes private-public-international partnerships to develop advanced technologies to recycle used nuclear fuel, reduce wastes, and avoid misuse of nuclear materials. DoE is considering a two-track approach to demonstrate technologies under GNEP. The first track involves deployment of commercial-scale facilities that may be ready for deployment now or in the near future. The second track would focus on further research and development on transmutation fuels technologies.

“These facilities will enable us to effectively recycle spent nuclear fuel in a safe and proliferation-resistant manner. They will set the technological standard and allow us to influence energy policy abroad while increasing energy security here at home,” DoE Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Dennis Spurgeon said. “With the negotiations complete, we are ready to proceed from an initial phase to one where actual studies can explore sites for GNEP-related facilities.”

Award recipients, announced in November 2006, will carry out siting studies to determine the possibility of hosting the Consolidated Fuel Treatment Centre (CFTC) and/or an Advanced Burner Reactor (ABR). Recipients will have until 30 May to complete detailed site characterization studies of the sites and submit a Site Characterization Report to DoE.

Of the 11 sites, six are currently owned and operated by DoE. Information generated from the detailed siting studies of non-DoE sites is expected to address a variety of site-related matters, including site and nearby land uses; demographics; ecological and habitat assessment; threatened or endangered species; historical, archaeological and cultural resources; geology and seismology; weather and climate; and regulatory and permitting requirements. Information requirements for the DoE sites are more limited due to the availability of previous studies.


Proposed site location

Teaming consortia

Award amounts

Atomic City, Idaho

Energy Solutions, LLC


Barnwell , South Carolina

Energy Solutions, LLC


Hanford Site, Washington

Tri-City Industrial Development Council/Columbia Basin Consulting Group


Hobbs , New Mexico

Eddy Lea Energy Alliance


Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho

Regional Development Alliance, Inc


Morris , Illinois

General Electric Co


Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee

Community Reuse Organization of East Tennessee


Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Kentucky

Paducah Uranium Plant Asset Utilization, Inc


Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Ohio

Piketon Initiative for Nuclear Independence, LLC


Roswell , New Mexico

Energy Solutions, LLC


Savannah River National Laboratory, South Carolina

Economic Development Partnership of Aiken and Edgefield Counties





Further information

US Department of Energy
The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership

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