Darkhovin plant on Iran's agenda
"The construction of nuclear power plants [in Iran] is not a fantasy, but a very critical necessity in the country," AEOI spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said at the event held in Tehran to mark the 16h anniversary of the country's nuclear industry. "The construction of the 360-megawatt Iranian power plant in Darkhovin, which is planned to produce 10,000 megawatts of nuclear power is seriously pursued," he added in comments published by the Mehr news agency.
The event also included the unveiling of nine AEOI "achievements" including developments in the fields of radiopharmaceuticals, cancer therapies industry, lasers, control systems, and photography.
Addressing the Tehran event, President Raisi said Iran would continue research in peaceful nuclear fields. "Fortunately, the research work of scientists in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy is accelerating well and the government will support this process", he said. He also noted the preparation by AEOI of a strategy for Iran's nuclear industry for the next 20 years.
"On the National Day of the Nuclear Industry … we announce that peaceful nuclear activities, relying on creativity and innovative measures, will continue to move towards increasing progress," he said.
AEOI has said since 2007 it intends to build an 360 MWe light-water reactor at Darkhovin - also spelt Darkhowin - in Khuzestan province in the west of the country.
Iran currently operates one nuclear reactor - the Russian-built Bushehr 1 - which was connected to the national grid in September 2011. Construction of a second unit at the site began in 2019, with commercial operation scheduled for 2024.