Czech Republic and Jordan agree to cooperate in nuclear power

Wednesday, 11 February 2015
The Czech Republic and Jordan have agreed to cooperate in the peaceful development of nuclear power with the signing of a memorandum of understanding during Czech President Miloš Zeman's visit to the Middle Eastern country.

The Czech Republic and Jordan have agreed to cooperate in the peaceful development of nuclear power with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) during Czech President Miloš Zeman's visit to the Middle Eastern country.

The agreement is between the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) and ÚJV Řež a. s., which provides research and development, design and engineering services to nuclear power plant operators in the Czech Republic and other countries. ÚJV Řež a. s. is the former Nuclear Research Institute Řež.

The MoU – which was signed by JAEC vice chairman Kamal Araj and ÚJV Řež head of strategy Jozef Misak - "assumes the strong involvement" of the Czech Republic in Jordan's preparations to construct its first nuclear power plant, ÚJV Řež said.

Misak said the MoU focuses primarily on cooperation in creating the design, construction and subsequent operation of nuclear power plants and research reactors. These include, for example, an assessment of requirements for the development of nuclear energy infrastructure, including regulatory requirements, as well as industrial and scientific development.

Jordan, which relies on imports to meet some 90% of its energy needs, plans to build a nuclear power plant comprising two 1000 MWe units, in the Amra region, about 70 kilometres east of Amman. It is aiming to have the first unit in operation by 2021 and a second one by 2025. Jordan has already selected Russia as the preferred bidder for the plant. Russia will also make a significant investment in the plant.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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