Chinese valve contract for Dresser

Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Dresser Masoneilan of the USA has been awarded a contract by China Nuclear Power Engineering Co (CNPEC) to supply control valves for the units 1 and 2 of the Taishan nuclear power plant under construction in Guangdong province.

Dresser Masoneilan of the USA has been awarded a contract by China Nuclear Power Engineering Co (CNPEC) to supply control valves for units 1 and 2 of the Taishan nuclear power plant under construction in Guangdong province. 


Under the contract, Dresser Masoneilan - a division of Houston-based Dresser Inc - will provide manufacturing, design, installation and support services for the supply process control valves and actuators both inside and outside of the reactor containment areas of the Taishan units. The value of the contract was not disclosed.


In April, US valve manufacturer Flowserve was awarded a contract by CNPEC to supply safety-related valves for Taishan units 1 and 2. Under that contract, Flowserve will supply the main steam isolation valves (MSIVs), the main feedwater isolation valves (MFIVs) and the feedwater motor-operated valves for the units.


Taishan 1 and 2 are the first two reactors based on Areva's EPR technology to be built in China. The first two EPRs planned for the site form part of an €8 billion contract signed by Areva and the Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (CGNPC) in November 2007. The Taishan project is owned by the Guangdong Taishan Nuclear Power Joint Venture Company Limited (TNPC), a joint venture between EDF (30%) and CGNPC.


First concrete was poured in October 2009, and unit 1 should be commissioned early in 2014, with unit 2 in 2015.


Last month, Dresser Masoneilan announced that it had been awarded $10 million in control valve contracts in China for CPR-1000 reactor plants under construction in Hongyanhe, Ningde, Yangjiang and Fangchenggang.


Researched and written 

by World Nuclear News 


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