Chinese government approves reactor projects

Wednesday, 5 January 2011
China National Nuclear Corp has received governmental approval to begin preliminary work on four new nuclear power reactors: two at the existing Tianwan site in Jiangsu province and two at the new Xudabao plant in Liaoning province.

China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) has received governmental approval to begin preliminary work on four new nuclear power reactors: two at the existing Tianwan site in Jiangsu province and two at the new Xudabao plant in Liaoning province.


The approval came from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and should lead to the construction of Tianwan 3 and 4 (Phase II of the plant) and the first two units at Phase I of Xudabao.


At Tianwan, CNNC will construct two 1060 MWe Russian-supplied VVER-1000 pressurised water reactors, alongside the existing two such units at the site. A contract for the engineering design of Tianwan 3 and 4 was signed in September 2010 between CNNC subsidiary Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation and AtomStroyExport, and the general construction contract was signed in November 2010. First concrete for unit 3 is scheduled to be poured in December 2012, while concrete for unit 4 will start to be poured in August 2013, CNNC said.


The first reactor at Tianwan was put into commercial operation in June 2007, with the second following three months later. The plant is eventually expected to house eight reactors, although units 5 to 8 are likely to be larger VVER-1200 units.


Meanwhile, CNNC will begin work on Phase I (units 1 and 2) of the new Xudabao plant on Hulu Island in Xicheng City in coastal Liaoning province. Construction of the first unit at Xudabao is expected to start in September this year. The plant will eventually comprise six AP1000 reactors.


CNNC's Liaoning Nuclear Power Co owns the plant, and the general contractor is China Nuclear Power Engineering. China Datang holds 20% equity in the Xudabao project, while the State Development and Investment Corporation holds 10%.


In a statement, CNNC said that approval for preliminary work on the four new reactors 'indicates that the two nuclear power projects have entered a crucial stage for the substantive fast, secure and efficient development of the nuclear group and to its contribution to the development of China's nuclear power.'


Researched and written 

by World Nuclear News 


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