China shunts EPRs to Taishan

Monday, 20 August 2007
Chinese authoritieshave decided to move Areva's project to build two EPR units fromYangjiang to Taishan. At the same time, construction has started atHongyanhe on two Chinese-design units.
Chinese authorities have decided to move Areva's project to build two EPR from Yangjiang to Taishan. At the same time, construction has started on a new nuclear power plant at Hongyanhe.

It had previously been understood that Yangjiang would host two 1650 MWe EPRs, on which contracts were expected to be signed around the end of July.

However, it has now been announced that the EPRs are pencilled in for a fresh site, Taishan, in Guangdong province, 140 km west of Hong Kong. Industry observers have suggested that troubles with the EPR agreements have been been exacerbated by worsening delays at the lead EPR construction site, Olkiluoto in Finland.

Instead now, Yangjiang will host four CPR-1000 units, pressurized water reactors which were developed after the construction of Areva units at Lingao and Daya Bay. China Guangdong Nuclear Power Company has announced the decision, and sources say it has the approval of the Chinese state planning body, the SAAC.

Separately, construction on other CPR-1000 units began at Hongyanhe on 18 August. Work has started on two units of the Phase I development, at which two more will follow. Later, Phase II will add yet another two so that the site as a whole hosts six CPR-1000s.

Construction schedules for Hongyanhe Phase I units 1 and 2 see the reactors being commissioned in 2012-3.

Further information

WNA's Nuclear Power in China information paper

WNN: Simulator contract for Hongyanhe

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