CGNPC orders back-up power systems

Friday, 7 September 2012
Shenzhen-based BYD Ltd has signed a contract with China Guangdong Nuclear Power Co (CGNPC) for the supply of high-power batteries for use as back-up power supplies at its nuclear power plants.

Shenzhen-based BYD Ltd has signed a contract with China Guangdong Nuclear Power Co (CGNPC) for the supply of high-power batteries for use as back-up power supplies at its nuclear power plants.

Nuclear power plants around the world have emergency diesel generators and fuel supplies to provide the necessary power to maintain cooling functions in the event of a loss of off-site power. Most also feature batteries for additional power supply should those generators fail. However, these batteries are only capable of providing sufficient power for a relatively short period but allow time for the diesel generators to be restored or alternative powers sources brought in.

BYD will supply CGNPC with its second generation iron-phosphate energy storage equipment - which can store some 3.5 MWh of power. These back-up batteries will be capable of delivering up to 2.5 MWe of power for around 90 minutes to CGNPC's nuclear power plants when needed.

According to BYD, all the bids submitted in the tender were assessed for their maturity, proven commercial stability and their "absolute safety and reliability even in the harshest conditions" - including earthquakes, tsunami, fire and radiation exposure.

BYD launched the world's first MWh-level iron-phosphate energy storage system in 2010, which was attached to China's Southern Power Grid. In 2011, it supplied an even larger 36 MWh system for China's State Grid's 'National Sun' project - a renewable, baseload power generation plant. The company has supplied energy storage systems for overseas energy companies, including the USA's Duke Energy and Chevron.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

WNN is a public information service of World Nuclear Association.
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