Canadian uranium output drops 5%

Friday, 8 February 2008

McArthur RiverProduction from Canada's three uranium mines declined 5% in 2007 due to water ingress problems at one mine coupled with continued low production at another. The country's total for the year was 11,046 tonnes of U3O8 (9367 tonnes of uranium).

Production from Canada's three uranium mines declined 5% in 2007 due to water ingress problems at one mine coupled with continued low production at another. 


The country's total for the year was 11,046 tonnes of U3O8 (9367 tonnes of uranium, tU). This compares to Australia's 10,145 tonnes U3O8 (8603 tU) and Kazakhstan's total of 6637 tonnes (7827 tonnes U3O8). 


McArthur River 
A sunny day at McArthur River
(Image: Cameco)
The McArthur River mine (70% owned by Cameco) produced its full licensed 8492 tonnes U3O8 (7201 tU), supplying the country's main output.  Cameco is hoping to increase its licenced capacity.

In late November 2007, Cameco's Rabbit Lake underground mine experienced increased water inflow and mining was suspended until early January. An old exploration drill hole was identified as the source of water, so this was plugged and will be grouted. Production from Rabbit Lake was 22% down on 2006, with only 1821 tonnes U3O8 (1544 tU).


Areva's McClean Lake (70% owned by Areva, 22.5% by Denison) produced 734 tonnes U3O8 (622 tU), slightly down on 2006, which was a marked decrease the averaged of 2738 tonnes U3O8 per year it achieved between 2000 and 2005. The decrease is due to lower ore grades currently being mined and  Denison is expecting production to increase substantially by 2011.


Cameco also reported production of 1044 tU from its US operations at Smith Ranch-Highland and Crow Butte, while start up of the Inkai mine joint venture with KazAtomProm of which it owns 60%,was delayed by problems in the supply of sulfuric acid required to leach uranium from the ground.



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