Canadian, Japanese industry groups enhance cooperation

Friday, 25 June 2021
The Canadian Nuclear Association and the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their collaboration in advancing nuclear energy's development, application and deployment to meet climate change goals. The MoU was signed yesterday by CNA President and CEO John Gorman and JAIF President Shiro Arai.
Canadian, Japanese industry groups enhance cooperation
The signing of the MoU by JAIF's Shiro Arai (left) and CNA's John Gorman (Image: JAIF)

Through the MoU, the two organisations will support, coordinate, and champion the continued safe and reliable use of nuclear power for clean energy generation. They will encourage their respective governments and international agencies to include nuclear as a clean energy technology to meet climate change objectives and net-zero emissions plans by 2050 through events such as COP, Clean Energy Ministerial and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) initiatives. CNA and JAIF will also enhance public awareness and understanding regarding the advantages of nuclear power to meet climate change goals.

The two parties will also share information about the restart of Japan's fleet of nuclear power reactors and the Canadian refurbishment programmes. They will support the accelerating wave of innovation in clean nuclear energy and innovative international activity among their respective memberships. CNA and JAIF will also share information on technology development initiatives, including small modular and advanced reactors, decommissioning technologies, and applications in other key industrial sectors.

The MoU also calls for the promotion of human resources development through industry-level exchange activities and collaboration on international work such as Nuclear for Climate, Young Generation Network, World Nuclear University, IAEA Nuclear Energy Management School and other youth-focused initiatives.

In addition, CNA and JAIF will facilitate meetings between Canada and Japan's nuclear industries via reciprocal conference invitations and periodic meetings or workshops. They will also share information and promote opportunities associated with the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and nuclear waste management as well as the recycling of nuclear materials.

Gorman said: "This presents both of our organisations with a great opportunity for collaborating and exchanging information to meet our common goals that include addressing the climate crisis. Nuclear technologies will play an important role here and partnerships like these align our collective efforts."

Arai added: "International cooperation is extremely important for nuclear energy and technologies to continue to contribute to combating climate change and to achieving [the UN's] Sustainable Development Goals, not only at the government level but also at the industry level."

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