Canada to host 2008 Summer Institute

Wednesday, 12 September 2007
The World NuclearUniversity (WNU) has announced that its fourth annual Summer Institute will take place in Canada, inviting applications from under-35s around the world.

The World Nuclear University (WNU) has announced that its fourth annual Summer Institute will take place in Canada, inviting applications from under-35s around the world.


The 2008 Summer Institute will take place in Canada between5 July and 15 August. It will be hosted by AECL, Bruce Power, Cameco andOntario Power Generation and largely take place at McMaster University in Hamilton in Canada's Ontatio province.


Around 100 young people from 30 countries will take part in a series of morning lectures covering nuclear power's global setting and international regimes as well as its technology and aspects of operation. Afternoon practical sessions are designed to foster teamwork and leadership, and the course as a whole is intended to build a global network of potential leaders, which the WNU said already numbers 264. Applications are to be submitted to the WNU Coordinating Centre (WNUCC) in London by 30 November. 


The course is being organized by Madiba Saidy, who had been seconded to the WNU from AECL and is supported by the Canadian nuclear industry. Saidy said Summer Institute fellows would gain first-hand experience of Candu reactortechnology, uranium mining & processing, medical isotope production and leadingresearch & development techniques.


The WNU is supportedby the World Nuclear Association, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, the World Association of Nuclear Operators and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The IAEA has previously provided financial assistance to support the participation of many applicants from developing countries.


Korea hosted the 2007 WNU Summer Institute, which concludedlast month. Previous events took place in Stockholm Sweden and Idaho Falls, USA.


Further information


Bruce Power
Ontario PowerGeneration

International Atomic Energy Agency
Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD)
World Association of Nuclear Operators (Wano)
World Nuclear Association
World Nuclear University: Fourth Annual Summer Institute

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