Cabinet approval for Czech strategy

Thursday, 4 June 2015
The Czech cabinet has approved an action plan on nuclear energy, providing for future construction at both the Temelin and Dukovany nuclear sites.

The Czech cabinet has approved an action plan on nuclear energy, providing for future construction at both the Temelin and Dukovany nuclear sites.

The National Action Plan has been prepared by the country's ministry of trade and industry in collaboration with the ministry of finance, and builds on the long-term energy strategy published by the country's trade and industry ministry in May. It contains recommendations for a two-phase nuclear development plan

The first phase of the plan calls for preparations to begin for the construction of one, and possibly two, new units at each site, with Dukovany - home to the country's oldest operating reactors - identified as the key project. Trade and industry minister Jan Mládek said that the units would be needed to provide 'energy sufficiency and security' for the country.

The second phase of the plan will look at financing issues. Market conditions will be assessed to decide whether government guarantees will be needed to support new nuclear construction, and if so, what form those guarantees would take. Such decisions will need to be made before any construction permit is issued, which the ministry expects to be around 2025.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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