Bulk orders for China's nuclear fleet

Thursday, 3 March 2011
Major contracts will support China's program of domestic reactor build and project management of the AP1000 program.

Major contracts will support China's program of domestic reactor build and project management of the AP1000 program. 


Alstom of France and its partner Shaanxi Diesel Heavy Industry have celebrated a deal to provide five emergency diesel generators to Tianwan 5 and 6, the third phase of development at the site.


Alstom liquid purification equipment will also be installed at those units as well as Ningde 3 and 4, Fangchenggang 1 and 2, Yangjiang 3 and 4 and Fuqing 3 and 4.


Tianwan 5 and 6 are to be Russian VVERs but all the others are CPR-1000s, a model developed by Chinese engineers from French units imported in the 1990s.


The batch of contracts for Alstom totals €40 million ($55 million) and was completed with the engineering procurement and construction arms of China National Nuclear Corporation and China Guangdong Nulcear Power Corporation. Most of the equipment will be manufactured in China by Alstom Wuhan Engineering Technology Company.




Another major contract has been concluded that will see Intergraph SmartPlant software support State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation's program to build AP1000 reactors.


Intergraph said its software is to "coordinate and consolidate engineering and design efforts between work teams, three other joint venture partners and nine sub-companies on the massive 16-reactor program."


The company could not specify which of the proposed forthcoming AP1000 projects would use the software. In addition to Sanmen and Haiyang, which each feature two AP1000s under construction, the World Nuclear Association lists some 28 AP1000s planned for 12 sites, with many more proposed.
Researched and written
by World Nuclear News


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