Bulgaria and USA to explore nuclear energy cooperation

Tuesday, 26 November 2019
The USA intends to send a technical team to Bulgaria to explore the possibilities for further cooperation in different areas of energy, including nuclear, President Donald Trump said yesterday in a joint statement issued with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov of Bulgaria. The two leaders also expressed support for the licensing and use of US nuclear fuel for Bulgaria's Kozloduy nuclear power plant.
Bulgaria and USA to explore nuclear energy cooperation
Borissov and Trump at the White House (Image: Prime Minister of Bulgaria)

They set out a number of measures intended to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries, following their meeting at the White House.

"The United States and Bulgaria understand that energy security is national security. We underline our common understanding that the diversification of energy sources is a guarantee of energy security, independence, and competitiveness for our economies," they said.

They will cooperate in increasing the supply of gas to Bulgaria "from diverse and reliable sources" and diversifying the country's nuclear energy sector. They would only develop energy projects "which have a clear economic basis or commercial need," they said.

The two countries also plan to work together "to enhance Bulgaria’s energy security by supporting expeditiously the licensing and use of American nuclear fuel for the Kozloduy nuclear power plant", they added.

Bulgaria's two operating Russian-designed VVER nuclear reactors at Kozloduy generate about one-third of the country's electricity. The country's government earlier this year invited strategic investment in a 2000 MWe nuclear power plant at Belene in northern Bulgaria, including the construction of two 1000 MWe units, each using the Russian VVER-1000/V-466 design.

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