Building steam in Chinese nuclear

Friday, 10 May 2013
Fangjiashan 2 SG hoisting, May 2013 (CNECC) 48x71Steam generators have been installed at new nuclear power reactors in Ningde and Fangjiashan in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces respectively.

Steam generators have been installed at new nuclear power reactors in Ningde and Fangjiashan in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces respectively.

Fangjiashan 2 SG hoisting, May 2013 (CNECC) 168x250
At Fangjiashan 2 a steam generator is raised to vertical position (Image: CNECC)

Four CPR-1000 pressurized water reactors are planned for Ningde. The first began operation last month, while on 3 May the third unit finished installing its 345 tonne steam generators on schedule for startup at the end of this year. By 2015 all four reactors should be in operation at Ningde, with authorities considering adding two more advanced ACPR-1000 units.

A similar operation to install steam generators was completed at Fangjiashan 2 on 7 May. That site, which is adjacent to the Qinshan and Qinshan Phase II nuclear power plants, is only currently slated for two CPR-1000s. These are expected to start operation in December this year and October next year.

Steam generators are major components in a pressurized water reactor system which transfer heat from the primary reactor coolant circuit to a secondary circuit, turning water into steam to drive a turbine and generator.

Across China some 28 nuclear power reactors are under construction. National plans will see China's fleet surpass that of France in terms of generating capacity by around 2020 and reach double the size of the current American fleet by 2030.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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