Areva appoints new CEO and chairman

Friday, 9 January 2015
Philippe Knoche and Philippe Varin have been appointed CEO and chairman of Areva's newly created board of directors. Varin also becomes an EDF executive board member.

Philippe Knoche and Philippe Varin have been appointed CEO and chairman of Areva's newly created board of directors. Varin also becomes an EDF executive board member.

The French state-owned group announced the appointments yesterday, following a meeting of its shareholders.

Knoche replaces Luc Oursel, who stepped down as CEO on 20 October owing to ill health and subsequently passed away on 3 December. Knoche served as interim CEO until the extraordinary general shareholders meeting held on 8 January.

Shareholders also agreed to change Areva’s management structure, from one with supervisory and executive boards to one with a board of directors "and the corresponding Articles of Association".

They also approved the appointment of eight directors within the new board of directors - Bernard Bigot, Sophie Boissard, Claude Imauven, Philippe Knoche, Christian Masset, Denis Morin, Pascale Sourisse and Philippe Varin. Also on the board are Alexis Zajdenweber, the state representative, as well as Jean-Michel Lang, Odile Matte and Françoise Pieri, all of whom are directors elected by the group's employees.

The shareholders decided to establish four committees to support the board of directors - the Strategy and Investments Committee, chaired by Varin; the Audit and Ethics Committee, chaired by Sophie Boissard; the Nominating and Compensation Committee, chaired by Claude Imauven; and the End-of-Lifecycle Obligations Monitoring Committee, chaired by Pascale Sourisse.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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