Application for Victoria

Friday, 5 September 2008

Victoria COL (NRC)A new nuclear power plant could be established with two reactors in Victoria County, Texas, following an application for its construction and operation made yesterday. The entirely new nuclear site would be 20 kilometers south of a town called Victoria in the state of Texas.

A new nuclear power plant could be established with two reactors in Victoria County, Texas, following an application for its construction and operation made yesterday.


Victoria COL (NRC)

Exelon's Ken Ainger presents part of the 6500-page application
to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Image: NRC)


The entirely new nuclear site would cover 4650 hectares about 20 kilometers south of a town called Victoria in the south east of the state of Texas. Plant buildings and structures would cover about 120 hectares, with an articificial lake for cooling taking up another 2000 hectares.


The plant would comprise two GE-Hitachi Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactors (ESBWRs) which between them would generate over 3000 MWe. The model is currently in the process of design certification by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The latest submission, made by generator Exelon, should result in the NRC granting a combined construction and operating license for the ESBWRs.


The NRC's evaluation will take some three to four years, and even then Exelon would have no compulsion to build. Exelon would, however, be expected to work closely with GE-Hitachi and its supply chain to ensure readiness for construction. The $23 million cost of preparing the application already represents a certain financial commitment.


The submission was the 13th application for a COL made by a US utility, and the third in connection with ESBWR.


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